Friday, September 16, 2011

5 Ways To Direct Your Thoughts (& Special Giveaway!)

Suppose I asked five of your closest friends whether or not you were a positive thinker. What do you think they would say?

Some people might be extremely confident in the answers that would be given, while others may feel a twinge of nervousness.

In my Proverbs 31 Devotion today, Your Thoughts Have Wheels, I referenced the verse from Proverbs 23:7 which says,  "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he."  (KJV) 

This verse serves as a great reminder, that our thoughts not only determine our actions, but actually determine the type of person we become - which is why it is so important to make sure that the thoughts that drive our actions are positive ones.

I recently came across a story from an unknown author about a nurse who was helping an older gentleman. It seemed to fit in perfectly with today's focus on positive thinking:

A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with his hair fashionably combed and shaved perfectly even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today.

His wife of 70 years had recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready.

As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window. "I love it",  he stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy.

Mr. Jones, you haven't seen the room; just wait. "That doesn't have anything to do with it," he replied. "Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged ... it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it."

"It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do."

"Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away."

This sweet man had invested his entire life in learning how to be an optimist. Now that he was going through a difficult time, he made a conscious choice to focus on the good memories and positive thoughts, instead of the difficulties of his present circumstances.

He had obviously spent years making the life impacting decision to transport himself into a life of happiness, by committing to an attitude of optimism. 

Although we would all like to say we are like this, reality is that we live in a world full of problem, brokenness, negativity and self-centeredness, which means that positive thinking has to be a daily choice.

Making that choice is easy - but carrying out the daily actions that support that choice is easier said than done. So let's keep it simple!  Below are five easy steps that can help jump start your journey to leaving the life of a pessimist, and embracing the life of an optimist instead:

1. Commit to being grateful.
  - Have you really counted your blessings lately, or have you been so focused on all the things that are wrong in your life, that you have overlooked all the things that are right?  Take a few moments to thank God for all of your blessings, and even hardships, because heartfelt gratitude leads to a positive attitude.

  * Psalm 136:1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever.

2. Free your mind from worries.
  - If your mind is full of worry, then there is no room for anything else - much less positive thoughts.  Lay those burdens at foot of the cross today, and ask God to replace your worry, with hope and peace.

  * Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

3. Keep things in perspective.
  - The more we focus on our problems, the bigger our problems seem to be. With enough negative thinking, our problems can become bigger than we are, and may even feel bigger than God. But God is bigger than all our problems, and He always has a plan and a purpose for what we go through. Ask Him to help you see people and problems in a new perspective, and give you a fresh glimpse of His point of view.

  * Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

4. Help someone else.
  - Anytime we are focusing on someone else, we automatically take the focus off of ourselves. Be alert for opportunities that will allow you to help others. Seek out to do at least one random act of kindness each day.

  * Hebrews 13:16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

5.  Love the Lord with all your heart.
  - Joy comes from God. Today may not be the best day, but each day we are given breath, is a day to rejoice.

  * Psalm 118:24 The LORD has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.

So, friends, have a fabulous and wonderful day today! (unless you already have other plans. Smiles.)

5 Ways To Direct Your Thoughts (& Special Giveaway!)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


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heather said...

Keep things in perspective.
That is an area I struggle in. I tend to make the problems bigger. i need to remember that God is bigger :)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning! Thank you so very much for today's post it is exactly what I needed to hear! Of the five I will choose to be grateful because often times we fail to look back on what God has already done for us...I am a single mother with four beautiful children and another one due on Christmas Day sometimes it seems like I get Si caught up in the obstacles we face each day that I fail to see how blessed I am! So I will learn to count my blessings each day and thank God for each one! Again thank you so much for today's post!

Anonymous said...

Tracie- Love your blog today! I need to put things in perspective and put my worries at the feet of Jesus each and every day! I grew up being a worry-wart so this is my biggest challenge. I would love to win Rene's book. She is showing such amazing grace in all the trials she is going through now!


ETowns said...

I am going to work on keeping things in perspective. I have been casting down my imagination and working diligently on loving the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength; and my neighbor as myself. Keeping things I perspective is a massive challenge, but its so important to my walk of faith. I am definitely up to the 20 day challenge! Buffisan(at)

Anonymous said...

'Help someone else' I troubled recently over the inability to be physically supportive of a friend who lost a parent. I was stuck working long hours during that time and have been dealing with sciatica that left me with little energy outside of work. But the opportunity has arisen to take her youngest child into our home for a few days while she takes her oldest child on a college tour. I am happy I could be there for her anyway!

Bliss Moments said...

I plan on doing a random act of kindness today, asking God to show me what that might be. I have been on the wrong bus too long and instead of motion sickness I have emotional and spiritual sickness. Ready to change my thought pattern.

Charlotte said...

I am going to go out of my way today to help others.

Sherri I said...

I will love the Lord with all my heart. Put Him first. Find things to rejoice over. Thanks for the encouragement!


Kathryn said...

For me I struggle with not worrying....I am not confident in myself and always worry that someone is there trying to catch my mistakes and call me on them. I am only this way with my peers---with children I feel freer to be me. I always joke that I am waiting for the parent police to tap me on the shoulder and tell me I am not doing a good enough job faking it!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning
Today I am goinf to be free from worry which wil also go along with keeping things in perspective!
Have a happy day

Mags1955 said...

Hi, My name is Maggie and I would 'commit to being grateful'. If my mind is focused on thanking Jesus, there's no time for worries or troubling thoughts to creep in and discourage me and drag me down.


Jennifer Graham said...

Keep things in perspective....
I've been hearing the verse about God's ways not being our ways a couple of times lately :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this reminder. It's difficult to bring this to the forefront really is a choice one makes to be positive and thankful. It's impossible without God...and keeping in mind, he is the reason we need to do so. Staying in relationship with him.

Janine said...

4. Help someone else.

I love and agree with all 5 ways you've listed and need to work on most of them! However, today I am committing to work on helping someone else. I was just thinking about this last night while I was watching a show about helping someone else. I thought "I need to be more intentional about looking for others that I can help". Thank you for our devotional this morning. His timing is perfect!

Pam said...

Your devotion and blog post today was just another nudge HE has been giving me all week! Our family is going through a tough time right now and I've found myself more focused on what's wrong than what's right. Oh, how easy it is to fall into this trap and stay there! Thank you for your thoughts and the boost to get out of the trap. Tip #3 Keep Things in Perspective is one I'm focusing on today. I do need a "fresh glimpse of HIS point of view."

Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Renee's book and a journal :)

I am a subscriber to your blog and have really been enjoying your posts!

Happy Friday to you!

Kathy said...

I love God's prmose in Jeremiah.....God has plans for me! Why do I try so hard to control my life when my Father is planning for me? And not just that, but He wants to prosper me, give me hope and keep me from harm! I surrender all Jesus....easier said than done, but I do know his plans are better than anything I could even imagine....Hab 1:5.

Brenda Strain said...

Oh I needed this post! I need to stop worrying! AND reflect on what I have to be thankful for!
Thanks so much!

Heidi said...

Keep things in perspective.
I am in the midst of a bathroom repair and it seems like with every piece I demo I find another thing "wrong". It's so overwhelming! I have to remind myself that I only need to fix what is necessary and those things that are likely aesthetic can be fixed later.
God has provided for this repair. If I am patient He will provide for the others in time.

Jodi said...

What an awesome blog today, this is my first visit and I am signing up for your blogs. I will help someone else today, as I am going to work at the beauty shop and there are lots of people there. Thank you for being such a wonderful blessing.

In Christ~

Michelle said...

I loved your post today, and it came at such a perfect time. All five steps were so appropriate for me and I will definately apply them all in my life. Keeping worries in perspective and being grateful to God each and everyday for the blessings in my life!
Thank you for the encouragement!

rachel said...

I definietly need to free my mind from worries. I tend to worry about a lot. Worrying doesn't change the outcome, just the present feeling.

JazzyTurtle said...

Tracie, Your blog and P31 devotion really hits home today with a conversation I just had with my hubby yesterday. He told me that I was different since the birth of our first little baby 4 months ago. I agreed with him because I feel different about things especially since Gemma was born. I shared with him that since her birth I've been getting attacked by aweful thoughts about really, really bad things that could happen to him and/or the baby. I'm sure all new mothers go through this, but I've never really been one that thinks about things like that. Your blog is a great reminder to me to focus on the Lord and let Him worry about things. Easier said then done, but I'm so thankful that I have you and the other P31 women to help remind me. Smiles, Shelon

doTERRA Essential Oils and Honey Bees said...

Love this! I have the commit to being grateful one at the top of my list but I call it "what God enabled me to do today" that came with heath issues and at times getting out of bed is the greatest thing that God enabled for me that day, of which I'm grateful. Things are better now but I still use the saying when things aren't going as "I" had planned. Thanks for the great list, I will be working on the rest.

katfish41a said...

I think "Keep things in perspective" is what i need to focus on today. I have a meeting coming up on Monday that i have been worried about all week. I've kept it in the forefront of my mind and practiced what to say in the meeting. I'm not really sure why the issues being discussed in the meeting are of such importance to me. I've prayed several times for God to give the perspective i need to deal with the issues realistically. I know in the back of my mind that things will be fine, because God is in control, but continue to let this bother me. You artical is an answer to prayer.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your devotion and blog today. I needed the reminder to keep my thoughts focused in the right direction. It helps me to keep a grateful journal and to help others. That certainly helps to keep self from the front line. Thanks again for your blog and the chance to win your give a way.

Mollie said...

I love the idea of doing something kind for someone else so you're not focusing on yourself so much. I'm going to work on doing a random act of kindness for someone else everyday!

Beth Reinke said...

Wow, I sure needed this blog post today - thank you! I will focus on being grateful, because that helps push the worries out of my mind.

Thanks for the chance to win the book and journal.

Blessings to you! said...

This devotion was God Sent to me today, for I have been struggling and distracted all week with negative thoughts and worry. I am printing this list and putting up in my home office as a reminder when my thoughts get me off track. Today, I want to lay all my worries at the cross and give them to God...I am tired of them clouding my mind and my attitude. Thank you so very much!

Samantha said...

Lately I have lost my joy along the way and reading this post certainly put things in perspective for me. I am so glad that you shared this with us today. It couldn't have come at a better time in my life. Thank you for reminding me of how much God truly loves me and for these verses of scripture to help me get through each day. Jermeiah 29:11 is the one that sticks out most right now. I forget that God has a plan and has everything under control.

Amy said...

I'm committing to thankfulness and helping someone else. My family keeps a gratitude journal and we try to write in it daily, especially when life gets hard. My son and I are going to bake bread for friends of ours today, too.

Claudia said...

Being grateful for even the hardships that God is allowing in my life, realizing He has a plan and purpose for what I am going through. That has been my challenge for many months now. Thanks for reinforcing my need to be aware of my choices and focus.

Kirsten said...

I need to practice counting my blessings and choosing to focus on being grateful for the good things in my life rather than constantly remembering the bad.

Unknown said...

This is such a great message today and #4 Helping Someone today is the one that I'm going to focus on today. I what you said about taking the focus off ourselves and putting it on helping someone else!!

Margaret said...

Commit to being grateful ... even in the difficulties.

Anonymous said...

My life is constantly filled with battles but I can honestly say that I try to remain positive and I never feel like God has left me and neither do I give up my trust in him. I just love your message to us today. I am past retirement years at work but I cannot retire now even though all my friends that I began work with have. Everyday I think about how fortunate I am to be physically and mentally able to work and I feel a sense of peace about not being able to retire. I will hold your words close to my heart and continue trusting God and I know he will provide me with the peace and happiness I need. Thank you and have a beautiful day...mine will be.

Sue Hillard said...

I'm going to commit to being grateful...well, more grateful! All 5 points are awesome; I'm going to try to do all 5:)! Thank you Tracie for showing us ways to be more positive.

Carla Diogo said...

Keeping my mind free from worry....

I've grown up worrying in a dysfunctional abusive home, worried about my sister and her drug addiction, about my finances, job, etc. What clearly shines through time and time again is the Lord's provision and command over all I worried about. He is faithful always! As I've gotten older, I worry less, but my prayer is to not worry and let the enemies deceit be overshadowed by God's promise. Thank you for your message today Tracie!

So today I will focus on...Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
~Philippiansme 4:6-8

Carla Diogo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Worry is my challenge, so #2 would be my goal.

BethA said...

Hard to pick. But I think being grateful will go a long way to helping me with the other tips. They are all really interconnected!

Jamie said...

I have never read your blog before, but today God led me to it and I have been blessed. Thank you for the words that I needed to hear today!
Blessings to you....

Amy Sue said...

Keeping things in perspective is what I can do today! I have a lot to be thankful for, so why spend time worrying about the other things.

Anonymous said...

Tracie, thank you for today's post. I really focused in on Commit to Being Grateful. That is a constant struggle for me. I live alone and I broke and displaced my knee cap in April and am still recovering from the broken bone and surgery. It is so slow, but I am grateful it was not worse. God has given me many blessings and I am trying to focus on them.

Dawn said...

Keeping things in perspective is the area where I need to concentrate. I am 55 yrs old and recently graduated from nursing school and passed my state boards, but I am waiting to find a job and getting more and more discouraged every day. I must daily remind myself that God is in control of every last detail and He would not bring me through this and forget me.

I believed I was following a call of God to become an RN and I am anxious to begin my career of service to Him..I would love to win the journal and the copy of A Confident Heart. Thank you for your message today, it truly did hit home for me!

Anonymous said...

Great post and great reminders! I'm a 'worry wart', as my mother used to say :) Gotta remember to trust, trust, trust in the Lord.

melanie said...

I am going to work on keeping things in perspective. It's not as bad as I make it out to be. I will take captive those negative thoughts and work to be grateful instead! Thanks so much!

albargla said...

1. Commit to being grateful.
This is the one I don't do enough! I will focus on this one today. Thank you for your encouragement.

Mom2boys said...

Thanks Tracie! That was a great story. I try to be the optomist most of the time, although I do fail sometimes. I choose to Love the Lord with all my heart today. I think if I do that every day and try to see people and problems from His viewpoint...the other 4 will fall into place.

Thanks again and remember This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Dianne said...

This was very timely for me. I have caught myself focusing on the negatives instead of the positives on a daily basis recently. I purpose to be grateful every day and to look for the positives in my day instead of the negatives. Thanks.


The Arnolds said...

Thank you! This was so helpful. I'm working on #2.

Anonymous said...

Probably the big thing for me right now is worry and stress, so to
2. Free your mind from worries.
- If your mind is full of worry, then there is no room for anything else - much less positive thoughts. Lay those burdens at the foot of the cross today, and ask God to replace your worry, with hope and peace.
I will certainly do so and try to remember to do so every day
And remember:
* Matthew 6:34

AND keeping things in perspective is really good too for those worries about my future and if I'm doing the right thing and studying the right things and what major(s and minors) He wants me to focus on.

Terry C said...

I can apply the tip of helping someone else by writing cards of encouragement to direct my thoughts. In fact, I can try one tip per day from Monday to Friday to help me make it through the week and to help transform my mind and make my thoughts conform to God's word. Thanks so much for the directions!

LaKeta said...

I can choose to help someone else. When I take my mind off of my own problems and focus on helping someone else through theirs I give God the opportunity to work on me without my interruption. My mother always said that when I complained about my problems that "No matter what your problem is, there is always someone out there with a bigger one."

Anonymous said...

Commit to be grateful.I don't think I do that enough.
Martha T.

LF said...

I need to keep things in perspective & keep my mind from worry & with God's help this will happen.

Janet said...

Good morning,

I have always struggled with worry & doubt so the tip on freeing your mind and laying it all at the foot of the cross speaks to my heart today. Thank you for this post and God bless you.


Kelly said...

It was like you peaked into my heart... it was exactly what I needed to hear today. Here I am sitting here feeling sorry for myself. But today, I choose be thankful and leave my worries at the cross. I pray that God fills me hope and peace instead. Thanks for writing and sharing.

Anonymous said...

I am a mother of two and trying to reenter the workforce and trying to see where God wants to plant me. So I have been trying to seek direction so,Jeremiah speaks volume to me. I know that he has plans for me and will make me prosper. But I just haven't figured out how or what he will do. I do trust it will be done. Also,I am learning that negative thoughts will do nothing but make you miserable. So I must learn to try to think good thoughts.Because God wants us to have good things and wants us to prosper but only through him can we truly be happy.

Lauralee said...

This has been a huge blessing for me! Keeping things in perspective is crucial in my life. When I focus on the problem, it just gets bigger and bigger to the point that sometimes it seems bigger than God. And we all know that "ain't so"!

The Lemons Family said...

Keeping my focus outward is the one that I needed to hear most of all. The story of the older gentleman really hit home, though. That story will stick with me for quite a while.

Stephanie said...

I need to keep things in perspective and not let my thoughts get away from me.

The Lemons Family said...

Keeping my focus outward is what I needed to hear today. The story of the older gentleman really hit home, though. That's going to stick with me for a while.

Pauline said...

Keep things in perspective. Whenever am in doubt, I need to remind myself that God has the best for me and that He is bigger than my circumstances.

Anonymous said...

How fitting is today's post to my life!!! Thank you for that! I really needed this one! I am a worrier so I will work on keeping my mind focused on today and to not get ahead of myself. I will pray that God helps me lay my worries down and stay focused on the positive blessings He has given to me.

Anonymous said...

Keeping free of worries.......

I need to learn to trust God with everything in my life. I always want to figure things out instead of allowing God to give me the answers thru the Holy Spirit. I am prying and asking God to help me and I am willing to be obedient. It will be hard but I will be free of worries.

Dorothy Travis

horseprariechatter said...

As Isaiah said-God is too great to fail- I will practice keeping things in perspective and let go and let God

Carol said...

I am going to try to keep things in perspective. I fuss and fume until I make the proverbial mountain out of a molehill.

DMR said...

I will choose to think on my blessings. The Lord has been so good to me, yet I always seem to dwell on the negative. Thank you for the encouragement. "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." (Can't recall the reference verse)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you get this a lot but...this was exactly what I needed to read! The story reminded me of my own granddad, who was very much an optimist. Thanks for the reminder. It's a toss-up between #2 and #3 that I need to focus on. I plan on reading the verses often today to keep my focus on my Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your article today. I had heard the story of the man entering the nursing home before, but had forgotton it.
Your blog helped me realized that I often forget to be thankful for the blessings in my life and instead focus an extraordinary amount of time on the parts of my life that seem wrong. I do this especially in the area of relationships.
Today, I will be grateful.I also will pray for God's perspective on people and situations.
Thank you for your kind and loving words.

Tracy G. said...

I will commit to being grateful today. Too often I find myself complaining about all that is I feel is wrong in my life rather than focusing on all that is right! Thanks for making me take the time to notice!

Anonymous said...

Keeping things in perspective will be helpful for me. There are several people in my life right now that are suffering, and man do I feel helpless....but knowing the best I can do is pray for them. It's hard to see things from God's perspective...the bigger picture. That's where our faith has to be active in knowing He has plans for us, not to harm us but to give us hope! Blessings, Pat

Lynn Timmons said...

Wonderful devotional on Proverbs 31 and the 5 ways to direct your thoughts is great! I'm working on Freeing my mind from worries. I've been working on this all week and I can always tell when I've laid them down because I feel a sense of peace. Then I feel the weight when I pick them back up. Going to continue to lay them at the cross and work hard at not picking them back up! I'm also going to focus on being grateful! If I can only think of what I'm grateful for then I won't have time for those worries anyway. Please pray that my husband does not have cancer of the mouth. He is scheduled for a biopsy on Monday. Thanks for being an inspriation!!

Heather said...

I just loved the story about the nice old man. Our happiness is a choice. No matter what situation we are in, we always seem to want more. I have been fighting to be thankful for the things I have. So easily I forget the many blessings i have and can only focus on the problems and short comings I have. This was so encouraging to me today. I am praying that I can keep my thoughts in perspective today

mommyofthree said...

Help others Feel like God wants me to reach out to someone today praying he will show me the right person

Marcia said...

Commit to being grateful. This post is so timely, I need it very much. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

This really comes at an important juncture in my life. There is so many seemingly big problems going on in my life right now, that I have allowed the devil to cloud my mind and keep me from having the Lord's joy. The biggest one for me is to Keep things in Perspective. Regardless of what is going on, I have to believe that God is in control and He can handle all my problems no matter how big they may be. What a great reminder to keep our thoughts on Him. Thanks so much!

Julie said...

Man! Do I ever need this! I think Freeing my mind from worries and Keeping things in perspective are 2 things I can surely work on! I worry about alot of things alot of times, things I have NO control over! Does worry even add 1 day to our lives?? NO!! I need to see things more from GOD's perspective! Thank you SO much for your ministry! It truly means alot!! :-) GOD bless! Julie

Anonymous said...

Free my mind from worry. I am a worrier. I am praying today that God will replace my worry with hope and peace.


M & C said...

I really struggle with being positive right now. Thank you for this thought-provoking devotional and new perspective. I think committing to being grateful, making that decision is what I'm going to try to do first. Thanks again for helping your sisters in Christ through your gifts!

Lorraine Furtner said...

Freeing my mind of worries is a continual struggle for me and a counselor has been helping me recently by working on changing my thought life. I can identify with all the points in the devotion today, but worry, fear and doubt are daily battle-- especially more so lately as my teen has reached driving age. I must remember that she is really just on loan to me from God. Ultimately she is His child and I must trust that He will do what is best for her, and me and the rest of my loved ones.
Thanks, Lorraine

Anonymous said...

Commit to being grateful...I find myself getting caught up in the hectic of the day and forget that HE is the very air that I breathe!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great post! I'm going to forward it to a friend who is going through difficult times.

For my part, I'm going to work on keeping things in perspective.


IRENE said...

I need to ask God to help me see people & problems in His perspective/ His point of view NOT my point of view.
-to automatically take the focus off
myself & my concern. This is an area of struggle for me & needs to be dealt with.So please help me God.

Veronica said...

Look at God! My specific prayer this morning was for me to help someone else today. I pray for others, but want a tangible way to help someone else. I ask God to provide the opportunity, the means and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to make that happen. Thanks to another comment, I will also be purposeful to seek someone to help.

europlayer04 said...

your encouragement came at a 'funny' time! I already started thinking about it yesterday (same topic, relevant to this week's happenings), and then right before I opened the ecouragement email to read (before even peaking what it would be about), I had a 2 hr long conversation with my friend: exactly about the same topic and even exactly about the same things that you listed in the devotion, if we think of certain things, where they would lead us! wow! that was quite a 'coincendence', really! And based on the outcome of my talk with my friend, your devotion and a blog on 5 steps- all these sources came to the same conclusion as to how I should deal with my situation: 1. being thankful/grateful and seeing things in correct perspective! Thank you for reconfirming and elaborating in a perfect timing on what I needed exactly! :)

Anonymous said...

Great post! I struggle mostly with keeping things in perspective and focusing on my problems and issues. I have to remember that God is bigger than all and know that He will provide.

Lucy said...

I need to use all 5 tips. But my no. 1 issue is worrying. Today I am going to put all of my trust in Him and believe all is well. Thank you for the great words. I always enjoy your devotions. Be blessed!

Anonymous said...

I struggle mostly with keeping things in perspective and knowing that God is bigger than all my problems. He will provide. I commit to keep that first and foremost in my mind.

Anonymous said...

Thanx so much for the devo today. I would like to look for the opportunity to focus on someone else....not in my own family because obviously as moms we probably are already doing that. I find I have great intentions but don't execute it well. I would like to be more focused on others. Thanx Nicole

Renata said...

Good morning Tracie!
Directing my thoughts is just what I needed to read this morning. Of the 5 I will free my mind from worries and not look at my circumstances but remember that He does have plans to prosper me no matter what the circumstances of my life might suggest. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was the 4 year anniversary of losing our daughter to cancer. Thanks for helping me remember to focus on the blessings I have: great husband, 2 great sons and family and friends. I try to do this every day, but sometimes it is so very hard. Cyndee

Tara Norton-Loyd said...

Free my mind from worry...
I find at times I am thinking so much about life stuff that it is so noisy in my mind & I can't hear God's voice. Things will turn out how they are supposed to whether I worry about them or not - so I will strive to free my mind from worry by meditating and prayer.
Thank you for blessing me today with your words!

Anonymous said...

Keeping things in perspective is something I could work on daily. Sometimes I tend to dwell on something I dont like till I make it so big that I can't get past it very easily. I need to think more on the positive so that the negative thoughts could be less. Thank you for sharing these tips :)

Jennifer K said...

Today I commit to being grateful. There are so many good things in my life, I need to focus on them instead of being the perpetual "Eeyore" as some have called me in the past.

Jennifer E.

Anonymous said...

I've been working on keeping my thoughts under control for about a year and a half now. The change's been incredible: chains that I didn't even now existed have been removed; others revealed. The road ahead seems to have no end.
Glad to read where our Lord's been taking you to. Sweet Blessings!

TripletMom said...

This was exactly what my heart needed to hear today. Keeping things in perspective has always been a battle for me. I need to remember that God has a plan and will never give me more than I can handle.

Elizabeth said...

All of your steps are touched my heart, for I need to remember all of them. However, I am going to choose the first one: Commit to being grateful. I have so much yet I tend to forget how blessed I am. I am a breast cancer survivor of 5 years. Items should no longer be important to me, yet for some reason I am not always able to get past all that. So, starting to day I am going to choose to be grateful for what the Lord has given me, and implement the other four steps as well. Thank you so much!

Heather Richardson said...

"So you think, therefore you act" is a simple line I once read in a bible study, and that has since become my motto. I didn't realize at the time how negatively I actually do think. It's a daily process to change how you think, but I can do anything through Him who strengthens me. I struggle with focusing in the negative instead of the positive! Today (and every day) I will remember where God has brought me and work on having a grateful heart. I am so blessed, and by recognizing even the most mundane things (indoor plumbing is a really great thing, isn't it?!) I can honestly turn to God and say, with a smile, "THANK YOU!"

Rose B. said...

This week has been full of negative thoughts regarding my spouse and my marriage. I have focused only on what's wrong and not on what's right. Today I commit to being grateful. I so needed this reminder!

Anonymous said...

What powerful truths! I definitely needed to read both your devotional from P31 and your blog post this morning. I am left convicted but thankful that the Lord used them to get my thoughts focused on Him. Your suggestions of being thankful and thinking of others are two in particular that I am going to allow the Lord to produce in me today. And thank you very much for the giveaway! :)

Lee Ann said...

Keep things in perspective. This is an area I really need to work on and remember.

Colleen Reske said...

I was just outside walking through the grass with leaves crunching under my feet as I went to adjust the sprinkler on my gardens, and a song from VBS this summer came to mind: "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!" I was reminded of one night in particular when I had to lead this song, but my heart was heavy with worry. The song begins with "I'm casting my cares aside, I'm leaving my doubts behind; I'm giving my heart and mind to you, Jesus". Wow, was that a lesson for me! As I sang these words, smiling at the children, I freed myself to unburden my heart and rejoice in the joy of those smiling faces and my love of the Lord.

Tracie, I would like permission to copy this post to share with two family members who need to change their thinking to a more positive outlook. Your words say what I have been trying to share with them, and I hope might give them a reference to read and to help them through their struggles.
Thank you.

nancys1128 said...

I can direct my thoughts today to keeping things in perspective. If it won't matter in the long run, don't waste time and energy thinging about it in the short. It it will matter, deal with it appropriately and move on.

Marcia said...

Putting things in perspective...I believe doing this will allow all other things to fall in place. Stop worrying about that I cannot control, do good for others, be thankful and grateful, and love GOD for through him all things are possible.

Kathy said...

Wow, this is so good, and just what I needed today. I can TODAY, right now, keep things in perspective. I tend to let my worries run away, and before you know it, they are huge mountains that are so much harder to overcome. And, quite frankly, what I worry about the most, never comes to pass.

Evalyn Elliott said...

Fleeing from worry is my focus for today. Taking life one day at a time and trusting God to carry me through it. Going through marital problems with my husband, in counseling, and had a painful session this week that still has me reeling. But yet I am focusing on Philippinas 4:8... whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. This is where my heart is for today.

NCBreeze said...

Thank you so much for today's message! I truly needed it. I believe that I am going to try and work on #2 and give my worries to the Lord and ask him to fill me with positive thoughts and hope and peace.

karend3 said...

Just the other day the Lord prompted me to begin writing a gratitude list,instead of dwelling on problems in my life. Then today I was reminded by you about gratitude again. My list the other day included simple things like being grateful for the smell of coffee brewing, the cool fresh smell of morning air and more profound things like three healthy children, whom even if we have a bad day, its a blessed day because we were together. Making a list like this really puts things in perspective and the blessings far outweigh the problems. Thanks for allowing God use you to work in the lives of others by reminding us to be grateful!

NCBreeze said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mh said...

for me, I've been really trying to help someone else. Nothing gets my focus off of 'poor me' better!

beautiful sunset said...

Free yourself from worries & Help someone else will be what I focus first. It's true worry consumes you & you don't think rationally which is never what God wants for us. It seems so easy but its not - a VIVID reminder each day goes a long way....why let troubles be that reminder when a verse will do so much more!!!! What better way to fill your mind with God than helping others! I'm going to put both of those verses on my bathroom mirror for a month! Then alternate between the others!!!!
For the rest of the year. I'll be smacked in the face with it each morning & night.

Jak W said...

Keep things in perspective.
Working on finding the solution for problems and keeping positive, being proactive and not reactive in all situation. Remembering God will get me through this day and lighten my burdens.

Angela Bush said...

All 5 are worthy of meditation but for me the first point is most relevant. I have found myself in a tornado of negative thoughts. They are mostly centered on ingratitude. It seems I can't escape the high winds of this storm and I want desperately to change. Although my marriage is in a tough spot, I want to regain the hope that it will get better but that can only happen if I change the way I am thinking about it. Thank you for the reminder of getting centered on God in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I happened to accidentally stumble upon your blog but I am so glad I did. Your post on directing your thoughts was very timely for me. I need to work on keeping things in perspective. My problem is I focus so much time & energy on my crummy circumstances. I start to believe that my situation is impossible and will never change. I sometimes forget that God can take something that looks impossible and make it possible. I need to change my stinking thinking! I need to remember & trust that God is always in control!

Anonymous said...

Due to sin in a loved ones life, my world has fallen apart. It's odd that often time sin can be more detrimental to those around than to the one who has chosen the sin himself. I have had so many emotional ups and downs over the last months. One of the deepest battles against depression was this past week and I am now working to keep my perspective in focus. God has a plan for this, I KNOW he does. Each time I want to jump back in that black hole of despair I have to learn to cling to him and his plan.

gramtam said...

I think "Do something for someone else". I used to be pretty consistent with this, but lately I have become so busy that I have allowed it to fall by the wayside. I am committing today to get back at it and look for ways I can be an encouragement, etc. to someone who needs it. Thanks for sharing that!

Beth Cotell said...

Helping someone else when I feel negative has always worked for me. I really enjoy reading your blog and I love this list of tips because unfortunately I often struggle with maintaining a positive outlook.

Marge said...

Free your mind from worries. I often spend too much time worrying about things that are happening and how I can take control of things. I need to focus more on just letting God do the driving. Where ever he leads me will be for a purpose and I will end up a better person because of it. I need to always trust Him.

Marrissa said...

Thank you so much for your inspirational words today! I am going to print out the five steps and post it on my bedroom mirror so I can be reminded of them daily! I want my thinking patterns to be renewed in Christ so desperatley. I've felt like my joy has been missing from my life for so long and I have been on a mission to get my joy back. It seems as though everywhere I turn lately I am reminded that joy comes from God and God alone!(Which can only be God getting my attention!) So I am going to focus on loving the Lord with all of my heart! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to commit to being grateful.

Kaylee Wadge said...

I think that the two best ones were keep things in perspective and doing random acts of kindness for people!
This post really spoke to my heart because i was getting mad at my husband and daughter and they weren't even that big of a deal.
Thank you,
Kaylee W

BeckyW said...

Love this post. I need to do #2 more often. Free my mind from worries...I keep going back and picking them up once I lay them down. I must quit doing that! Thanks!

Heather S. Deaton said...

Commit to be grateful. God has given me so much that I forget to focus on the wonderful gifts I have. Instead I sometimes focus on the things I do not have, but want. God is the giver of good gifts and He does provide for His children.

Renee said...

Free your mind from worries:
For the past three days, my husband and I have been in court for our 8 month old daughter's adoption trial. She was born in January of this year and we found out a few days after we brought her home, her Birthmom wanted to withdraw her consent. For these past 8 months, I could have let the weight of emotions for the impending trial overshadow all of the joy our daughter has brought to our lives. With God, I had that peace that He is bigger than all of this. He had a plan for her life and our lives. I could have driven myself crazy with worry, but I knew in my heart that God would do what was best for our daughter. Before we went into court I prayed that God would send his angels to surround the court room, to fight the battle before us. I knew as we sat there for three days listening to all of the testimonies, that God's presence was there, in the middle of it all. And in the end, I praised Him for He is GOOD.

Anonymous said...

I would chose number 5 Love the lord with all your heart because he will bring you joy. Every day I wake up I should be joyful and thankful for another da

Lara Sadowski said...

Oh, Tracie, this message was a gift from God today! I have been struggling with my thoughts BIG TIME lately, and I am committing to ask God to change me and make me and my thoughts more like Him. I will learn to free my mind from worry and settle my mind on my sweet Lord. Thanks so much! --Lara (

Nicole said...

Keep things in perspective and leaving my worries at the foot of the cross really apply to my life right now as I've recently been struggling with my marriage. Thank you so much for this blog and for giving us ways to be a better Proverbs 31 woman.

Gerilyn said...

I've always wanted to be more optimistic, but it doesn't come naturally to me. Thanks for your devotional and post to steer me in the right direction toward positive thinking! I'm working on keeping things in perspective. Our paster taught on Exodus 20:2"I am the Lord your God..." this week. I'm reminded that God is enough, I don't need anyone/thing besides Him!

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon,

I have to say reading this truely helped me. In that sense loving GOD with all my heart is what I plan on doing today and for the rest of my life. I am looking at life differently and even though I encounter struggles I know he'll never leave me. It is a joy to understand the love that flows from my FATHER. I can't go astray or look back because he's been to good. So I will love HIM with all my heart knowing I'll inherit everlasting life if I continue to walk in the path of the righteous.

A Journey For Life said...

#3 Keep Things in Perspective, sometimes I overwhelm my self with doubts and my mind wanders about worries, worries that may not even happen. I know God is my protector and that he is in control of my journey.
I just love, love the verse Philippians 4:8

Anonymous said...

Keep things in perspective. That is so hard to do these days. But I am seeing the verse, Jeremiah 29:11, everywhere these days - so I think God is telling me what to do!

Adriana said...

Keep things in perspective. I can be a worry wart at times

Adriana said...

Keep things in perspective. I can be a worry wart at times.

Anonymous said...

Keep things in perspective....I worry about everything, real and imagined....Thank you so much for your post today, just love it...Lisa

Kelly said...

Help someone else! Having just had total hip replacement surgery 8 weeks ago and having been the recepient of lovely get well cards, calls, friends and family bringing meals over, staying to help me, giving me rides, etc. makes me more aware of how important it is to help someone else and how much it means to that person being helped, so I am going to try to pay attention when other people are going through similar things to help them with a meal or send a card or call to encourage them, etc.!
thanks for the reminder today...

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your blog today. It did my heart and mind good to read this. It couldn't have been at a better time. I think that I commit to being grateful, it will help!

Thank you again.
Have a blessed day!

Kim said...

Free your mind from worry! I am not usually worrisome but our current situation has even me in tears and wondering how it is possible to stay positive some days! I must remember that just because the issues are bigger doesn't mean that God can't handle them!

Kristina said...

I would have to say that helping someone else is one I can focus on. I love helping others! It's exactly how you said it...helping others keeps the focus off of me. I look forward to your challenge as well. I really struggle in my thinking. I'm a pessimist. I keep trying to figure out how to change my thinking so I can be a happier person. Thank you so much for this post!

Anonymous said...

My favorite of the five thoughts was Free Your Mind From Worries! I could actually see in my mind a box that was labeled 'worries' and mentally dumping that box to be replaced with deposits of positives! Worries are OUT OF HERE!

Heather Richardson said...

"So you think, therefore you act" is a simple line I once read in a bible study, and that has since become my motto. I didn't realize at the time how negatively I actually do think. It's a daily process to change how you think, but I can do anything through Him who strengthens me. I struggle with focusing in the negative instead of the positive! Today (and every day) I will remember where God has brought me and work on having a grateful heart. I am so blessed, and by recognizing even the most mundane things (indoor plumbing is a really great thing, isn't it?!) I can honestly turn to God and say, with a smile, "THANK YOU!"

A Child of God said...

#4--Help someone else, that has been huge in my life to help me stay positive. I love helping out at the Rockford Rescue Mission. I go there to bless someone, and God always out blesses me. Get's my mind and focus off me and on to God and others. God is soooo good!!

Anonymous said...

I find all five are vital for me on a daily basis. However, Trust the Lord with all your heart is what I struggle with. I know he loves me and will meet my every need if I let him. But, these days I struggle with this due to financial difficulties that I have never faced before. I pray constantly that I can let go and let God. :) Have a blessed day.

AP said...

all 5 really!! Can you do one without the other? Thank you though, this list and post was a much needed reminder today.

Anonymous said...

I really need to commit to being grateful as I am truly blessed beyond measure. So often I let the very difficult situation that my family and marriage are in become my focus and I don't speak or act out of gratitude. I have so much to be grateful for, I am loved by the King!
Thank you Tracie,

Fleener's said...

Keeping things on perspective. I tend to overanalyze situations and make problems big or little more than they need to be. I need to trust in the Lord always and not let things drag me down.


Anonymous said...

I am so grateful to be reminded to be grateful - "a merry heart doeth good like a medicine" Proverbs 17:22. I am looking forward to hearing you speak at Utica Baptist Church on September 22, 2011. God Bless You. Love in Christ, Gracie Price

Anonymous said...

Dear Tracie, God Bless You! I am looking forward to hearing you at Utica Baptist Church on Sept. 22. The #1 comment you made on being positive and grateful and thankful blesses my heart greatly. Thank you! Love in Christ, Gracie Price

Anonymous said...

Good evening! I will choose not to worry! I just resigned from my teaching position, or rather I did not re sign my contract. I think that the Holy Spirit was trying to impress upon me the fact that God has something different for me to do with my time. So, I want to trust Him and not worry about how I will pay my bills. Thank you.

amy b said...

Definitely choose not to worry. I just resigned from my teaching position or rather I did not re sign my contract. I believe the Holy Spirit shows us how to respond in different situations and that He will provide when my bills come due. Thank you so much for this posting!

Anonymous said...

I needed this post today. Rough day! I am going to commit to being grateful!

Anonymous said...

I struggle with most all these. I worry more than Trusting God. I struggle with keeping things in perspective. I just need to stop focusing on myself and look to the Lord. It is so hard and I need His grace daily.

Sabrina Caston said...

Free your mind from worry...I am a worrier. I tend to worry about everything. I can take it to Jesus but I find it hard not to pick it back up when I leave. We are working on it:) said...

i need to focus on all 5 ways.

Cathy Fleming said...

Free your mind from worries.
I tend to worry excessively daily leaving little room for rejoicing. I will start right now applying this principle and leaving my worries at the cross.

Anonymous said...

I think all five ways are very important but think I will concentrate on the first one of being grateful. If I would just spend more time doing that, I wouldn't need the ways nearly as much. Really enjoy your perceptive on life.

Shawnia Holler said...

Mine we be to help others. I truly enjoy helping. I have had fibro, for almost 7 years. I live in pain every day. The more I help others the more I am focused on them and not my pain. There are some days I feel like I can't do anything. Then I always remember Phil.4:13. I pray to serve more each day. God bless, Love Shawnia.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much, Tracie! What a great list! I have always been an optimist and rarely had trouble living with joy except recently. I lost my way. I really needed to be reminded of all these things! I think I'll work on all five. My rules have been to (1) Count it all joy when you encounter various trials James 1:1(2)Trust in the Lord (for) He works all things together for good and His plans are for good and not for evil {A combination of Proverbs 3:5,6;Romans 8:28-30; and Jeremiah 29:11(3)Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.Philippians 4:6,7
But adding to the list, Love the Lord with all your heart mind soul and strength and you neighbor as yourself..., well I am so glad those were on your list. It helps to have a mental list to live by.
I also use taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ as a goal, but that is one that I have not had a lot of luck at lately.When you've lost your perspective, it is really a battle to tackle your thought life. It seems to take on a life of its own. I have been praying for God to help me. When He sends a message, He always sends it more than once, Bless His Heart!!!!!
I did lose my perspective! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I will choose #5 to love the Lord with all my heart. When I do this then I will put worry to rest.

Thanks for your devotion.

one-step-at-a-time said...

Leaving my worries at the Cross is something I need to practice daily. I am currently waiting to hear from a possible new job and it has been a very long process that never seems to get anywhere. Its so easy to focus on the waiting and all the what ifs but remembering God is in control and is taking care of me and all my needs total changes my perspective. Thanks for the reminders and encouragement.

Michelle said...

#2 I will free my mind of worries, because God is with me and my life is in His hands.

Michelle said...

I will keep my mind free of worries because God is with me and my life is in His hands.

Joanna said...

I will be grateful today, placing my focus on the clear blessings in my life and searching for the hidden treasure of the challenges God has orchestrated for me! For such a time as this, I will rejoice in the Lord always, praising his name, for He is good!

Fayevoorman said...

This week was a bit tough. My 11 year-old daughter had 104 degree fevers beginning on Sunday. She coughed so much at night that neither of us could sleep (it made her throw up). Her fevers went so high, so fast that I had to put her in the tub. Tuesday we went to the doctors and found out she had pneumonia. I was so tired. Then Jesus reminded me through His word to be thankful. All week I was thankful that we had medicine to lower fevers, doctors to give antibiotics, a tub to put her in, a car to drive to get medicine, insurance...this devotion from Tracie was the perfect end to the week. The thankful focus kept me going! I was going to feel sorry for myself, for how sick my daughter was, for what we were going through, for the exhaustion...instead I praised God for all the blessings. What a difference a thankful heart and mind can make! Praise God, the fevers are now gone and she is getting better! Praise him for His word that gives me strength! Praise Him for Godly women who remind me to be thankful :)

Anonymous said...

Help someone else....there's been so much loss in my community due to flooding and friends with a house fire which provides many ways to help. I've baked up some zucchini bread and am sharing today! Would enjoy reading Renee's book!

Retro Girl said...

I love this post also! All 5 are very good ways to honor God and to try to live a more positive happy life. I especially like Do Something for Others. I like to try to help others even if it is something as simple as sharing a kind word or compliment, or reaching out and talking to someone who seems lonely or to be having a bad day and try to make them smile, but if I can do more I try to do so. I would love to read this book. I love your blog--I am a new reader--subscribing to the RSS so I can read daily. Thankyou for the encouragement and reminders of God's love.

Anonymous said...

Count my blessings! I'm going to start off each day thanking God for all that he has done and is doing in my life. I'm going to get intentional and start journaling my blessings by listing 3 things I have to be thankful for. I know I can list many more; but I'm going to commit to doing this daily for the next month. I think when I do this; all the other steps will fall into place. I can start today by thanking God for Tracie Miles, Proverbs 31 Ministries and all the gifted writers that encourage us and keep us pointed towards God and His Word. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Keep things in perspective. Such a short sentence with such large impact! This is the focus I choose today. Thank you Tracie for sharing teachings from our Lord to so many women.

Anonymous said...

My biggest hurdle is worry. A mom of 2 boys I could drown in a sea of worry. Reminding myself every day that god is in control is a big help. Your blog is also an awesome reminder...thanks

Christine said...

I'm going to "free my mind from worries and leave them at the foot of the cross". This is an area I struggle with so often. Thanks for your devotional on how to stay positive! :)

Anonymous said...

Step 2: Free your mind from worries. I needed to read this today. I am struggling to overcome a spirit of fear and woke up in a panic about taking a step through it. This put my thoughts and feelings into persepctive and helped me to re-direct my focus on God and His love for me. He is much bigger than my fears and I can overcome anything through Him. For me, it starts here. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Your post brought tears to my eyes this morning, but it was exactly what I needed! The reminder to "Keep things in perspective" is the push I needed after starting the day off focusing on a recent problem and how horrible I felt it was for me. I struggle with negative thinking in so many areas of my life that the simple reminder (that I know all to well, but often seem to forget) is that God has a plan for me. A bigger plan than I can imagine. I'm printing out all of the actions/verses you listed as a constant reminder of how making choices is easy!!

Brenda said...

Trying to let go of worry. The fear that comes with worry seems to immobilize me.

Monica said...

Letting go of worry, this is something I struggle with all the time and what I need to work on every day!

Connie said...

Today I will choose to keep things in perspective. I tend to think negatively about everything. It just brings me to a place I don't want to be, "feeling down". God IS bigger than the problems that I think I may have. Thank you.

Kewalla said...

Oh how I worry! Sometimes my mind won't stop and I totally wipe myself out mentally and physically. I need to do a lot of praying and self-talk. I am a work in progress . . . I am not where I want to be but worrying used to be a bigger problem than it is now.

Anonymous said...

Commit to being grateful! Over the years, I always assume the negative. I need to get back to my original ways of looking on the positive side and viewing all my blessings. Thank u for reminding me. I look forward to your next series.

Rhonda said...

Just one? I find days where I need to focus on all five! :( The one specific one though I want to focus on is Love the Lord with all my heart. If I do that, the rest should follow. :)
Thanks for a wonderful post.

Jo-Anne said...

Gratitude. I have applied this to my life in the past and it has worked. The enemy has snuck back and stolen that from me again. I choose to be grateful for ALL the blessings in my life, for all the lessons I can learn from and for the love of a God who sees me as I am and loves me so much He gave His life for me.

Cheryl said...

What a great post! I'm going to print out these five steps and post them at my desk.

I need to work on 'free your mind from worry'. I have been a worrier all my life and it is a daily struggle for me not to allow my mind/imagination to get stuck in a loop of worries and/or worst case scenarios.

Tracy H. said...

Commit to being grateful with my husband. For whatever reason he seems to get the brunt of my negative thoughts. He is the one who should get my best!

Mama Mpira said...

'Help someone else'. I immediately forwarded this post to a friend - we'd been talking about different issues and this post just fitted in well!

Lynn said...

It's hard to pick one of those points because they are all so spot on. I'm thinking today I will concentrate on being grateful for all the blessings I largely take for granted. This is a WONDERFUL devotional. Thanks.

mom of 5 boys said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Good morning! Thank you for this wonderful post. I've been struggling with negativity for many years. It started when my mom died, then became progressively worse. Sometimes I wonder how my dear, optimistic husband can stand living with me. My biggest problem is not keeping things in perspective. I tend to take a relatively small problem or situation and enlarge it to unmanageable proportions. This leaves me paralyzed and unable to act or make decisions. So, I am now working toward developing an optimistic AND confident heart!

mom of 5 boys said...

I love all five points you spoke about, but most of all it is keeping things into perspective....I can get so overwhelmed with everything that doesn't go smoothly that I don't want to take care of ANYTHING! Thanks for your post.

Wanda Edwards said...

Good morning! Thank you for this wonderful post. I've been struggling with negativity for many years. It started when my mom died, then became progressively worse. Sometimes I wonder how my dear, optimistic husband can stand living with me. My biggest problem is not keeping things in perspective. I tend to take a relatively small problem or situation and enlarge it to unmanageable proportions. This leaves me paralyzed and unable to act or make decisions. So, I am now working toward developing an optimistic AND confident heart!

Lorie said...

I think *keep things in perspective*. I have a son deployed to Afghanistan right now and when I hear of a death in his company I am overwhelmed with a sense of loss even though it was not my son. I think I need to keep in perspective that it is someone else's grief and not mine and that I should be praying for the family. He is absolutely in danger (my son) but I already know he is being protected and to leave him in God's hands.

Anonymous said...

They all resonated with me, but the one I feel I have been lacking in is number one: Being Grateful. I've been focusing so much on what I do not have lately and that has really distorted my perspective. After I read it, I immediately began to thank the Lord for the blessings in my life that I take for granted. Thank you for a great post this day!


SavannahsSmiles said...

I am going to free my mind from worry by fully surrendering my fear and anxiousness to God.

Carrie said...

Free my mind of worries. I worry about a lot of things, there are so many things to worry about. But I choose to let God handle my worries and really strive to free my mind of them.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I am going to work to implement all 5 in my life on a daily basis but all of my life I have struggled with #2. I have been a worrier and in my walk with God I am learning (sometimes slowly) to trust in him. This is a wonderful post and I needed it! Thank You.

Anonymous said...

#4 as I have a sick family today.

Becca said...

Help someone else. What an awesome reminder!

Anonymous said...

thank you, I shared this with some friends. Love the thoughts and attitude, love the story about the old man. Going to share this with more and learn from it myself!
Mary B.

kara said...

outward i am always positive and encouraging others but on the inside i often struggle with negative thoughts(sort of dwelling on something that has hurt me)i have been trying to stop myself and redirect my thinking in a way that is more pleasing to God.i appreciate your article and i will try to use my mind to thank God for all does for me.that should keep me busy as He is sooo good to me!!

Margaret said...

I believe all 5 ways are very
important, but #5 is the best of
all - loving God with all my heart, soul and mind.

Debbie said...

At this present time with circumstances pressing me so; I commit to starting my day out with being grateful. Just the act of gratefulness allows me to focus on the fact the "this is the day that the Lord has made" and furthermore "I will rejoice and be glad about it". I am determined to walk in the purpose that God has given me and I will do so unemcumbered! God is... who He said He is. Thank you so much for this awesome post!

Jihan said...

Hello! May God be with all of you! I think that I would have to say that two of these areas go hand in hand. If we don't keep things in perspective we are eventually going to fill our minds with worry- and in those areas I need much work. I start thinking negatively then start to worry and forget that ONLY GOD is in control of my life and that I have to let Him guide it! All I have to do is remember His promises.

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