If you are linking over to my blog today from the Proverbs 31 daily devotion, thank you for dropping by! And happy Monday to all of my weekly blogger friends. Above is a picture of my treasured bible verse box that I made reference to in the devotion. (Thanks again LeAnn!)
The day that I sat in Gods lap, as the devotion explains, God impressed several things upon my heart. 1) I was not alone or forgotten; 2) He cared about my hurts; and 3) He could really speak to me in a way that I could feel and understand.
As a Christian, all three of these things would probably be considered the most basic of the truths that we believe, however, sometimes, if you are anything like me, we just need a little holy reminder of those truths to calm our spirits. A blatant, in-your-face type of holy reminder.
A reminder that God is not taking a break when we feel hurt or confused, or when unfortunate situations seep into our lives, but that He is still there, and will share His love and His voice if we draw near to Him.
Getting near to God is not as hard as it seems. If we see Him as an unreachable, invisible, and untouchable, then, yes, it may seem impossible to ever find Him. However, if we see Him as real, alive, and within our reach through prayer and devotion, we will soon discover that He is not near as far away as He once seemed.
Drawing near to God, results in Him drawing near to us as well.
In the 4th chapter of James, the biblegateway commentary tells us that James is acting as a "spiritual director" for the church. It tells us how "the church goes beyond superficialities and guides the church into holiness in its internal relationships. True spiritual direction not only challenges; it comforts". It goes on to explain that James is "faithful to confront sinful motives and evil practices, and he is equally clear about the promise of God's grace."
Grace - that is one key thing I pull out of this chapter of instruction for sinners. Grace. We all need it in times of sin, pain, sufferings, hardships, and challenges. Iin fact, a definition of theological grace that I came across said "the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them."
Is that not exactly what we all need and want? Of course! We desire to have the spirit of God working so actively within us that we feel re-energized, refreshed, motivated, strengthened, and loved beyond belief. It is those exact feelings of supernatural power within us and a peace that surpasses understanding, that empower us to pull ourselves out of a pit, and into the light of Christ instead. That internal spiritual power is what draws us into Gods presence.
The place to find that grace, comfort, and fresh spiritual energy to press on, is through Gods Word, and all the promises that flood into our hearts when we read it. What a disservice we are doing to our faith and ourselves when we discount the truth that Gods Word is alive.
Shortly after me and God had us some snuggle time, I slowly began to see things improving in this relationship. I began to see God working in the heart of this person, a person who has a wonderful heart to begin with, but who had been trying to do life without holding His hand as a result of being pulled in every direction due to the pressures of life. I have seen glimpses of Gods plan in this relationship, and my heart is bursting at the seams to watch Him at work.
Even though I may not understand why things happen, I still try to focus on having full trust in Gods ways, and not allow doubt in His sovereignty to seep into my mind. I thank Him every day for continuing to work in my heart, and the hearts of those I love, and I truly believe that He is doing a mighty work.
Trusting in God for answers to come, for wisdom to manage issues, for strength to persevere, and for peace and forgiveness to come, can be hard. More than hard. Painfully hard. And most of the time, no fun. But it is that exact trust that will not only get us through the battle, but also that will lift us up when we see Gods restoration and love begin to flow. Maybe the answer to our prayers will not look exactly like we had prayed for, but nonetheless, it will be the best answer for us.
If you would like to sit in Gods lap today, consider doing the activity mentioned in the devotion. Make your own bible verse box, and insert your name into all the verses. Or, if you know someone who is struggling with a difficult time in their life right now, make a bible verse treasure box for them. It is a gift that will not only lift their hearts, but lift their spirits as well, and most likely, will also result in a much needed smile.
what a beautiful reminder!! I know when I was going through a valley, I cried out to God. Usually, not long after, my darkness lifted and His light filled my day.
Thank you for such a beautiful truth, so beautifully written!!!
....What a precious gift.
....What a great idea.
....Will have too remember this
....What a compassion heart LeeAnn.
Kindness refreshes and restores the tired and broken.
From: When Did I See You Hungry?
Hi Tracie,
Besides the fact that this was a beautiful devo, it was also an answer to prayer. My sister Tracy's bday is tomorrow and she is in a storm and has wandered away from God's protection, relying on the world to help her feel better. I have been wondering what to give her for the big 4-0. What a wonderful gift your friend gave you, and I will do the same for my sister. Now to get busy typing...
Mrs. Tracie,
By far my favorite post you've written for P31. Thanks for letting us see that you have the same struggles we all do at times. What a wonderful feeling to be held by Him.
Blessings to your friend for taking the time to give such a personal, heartfelt gift. Sometimes we don't think the little things we do matter but just look at the difference this gift made in your life (and now in the lives of others).
I have several friends who are in the middle of very difficult situations. You have inspired me to go buy glass dishes and begin a Scripture journey for each of them.
What a perfect gift!
Thank you!
tammy nischan
This is great! Would you mind sharing some of the references to the verses that were in your box so we can look them up as well?
Thank you for sharing this beautiful idea. One of my dear friends is struggling through the storm of her husband's suicide. I am going to take your idea and create a box for her. What a comfort God's word is and what a blessing it is to share different ways we can use it to bring comfort to others.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful idea. One of my dear friends is struggling through the storm of her husband's suicide. I am going to take your idea and create a box for her. What a comfort God's word is and what a blessing it is to share different ways we can use it to bring comfort to others.
You are so right... When you stop and talk to God it makes such a difference. You can feel his presence. I can do all things through Christ.... a short simple sentence that carries so much weight, and is so true. Thank you for sharing with us. May you have a blessed God filled day.....
I am vacationing in Florida with my mom & 2 aunts. We shared your devotion this morning & talked about it. It's a wonderful idea to share with others. We all need to experience the presence of God with us. Bless you!
so happy our God is such a comforter. Hugs to you
Thank you so much for the wonderful words of encouragement today. My husband is going through a storm right now...he is struggling with anger issues and has been fighting with this for years. These past few months I've seen him struggling more and more. I've continued to pray for him. He broke down yesterday and told me he wants to change but doesn't know how. I told him to turn to God. I thought last night I need to look up scriptures to encourage him...then I read today devotion! What a God sent! Thank you so much for sharing what God has placed on your heart. Please keep my husband in prayer as we work through this storm together. His name is Johnathan Buchanan.
Be Blessed!
Treva Buchanan
Thank you for the beautiful reminder that God is always near, and that we are able to seek Him for comfort. I need to feel that today.
I know that He is always near, and I desire to feel the peace that I know only He can provide.
I struggle with the concept of personalizing scripture. Do you have any suggestions?
I am going to the quiet of my room, and see if God will hold me. I pray He meets me there.
Have a blessed day.
Thank you for sharing that with us this morning. I really needed that after a weekend of deep hurt and pain. Thanks again and be blessed!!!
wow what an awesome post...Thanks so much! It reminds me of a moment I had a church when this song was sung:
Lyrics to The More I Seek You by Kari Jobe:
The more i seek you,
the more i find you
The more i find you, the more I love you
C:I wanna sit at your feet
drink from the cup in your hand.
Lay back against you and breath, here your heart beat
This love is so deep, it's more than I can stand.
I melt in your peace, it's overwhelming
(From Top)
Thank you Tracie for sharing these truths with us. I am going through a tough time in my marraige now, and have wondered what God's purpose is in all of this. You deveotional toady and then reading your blog helped me get on the right perpective. I am defnitely going to try surrounding myself with bible verses. I can't wait to sit on God's lap!
I'm hurting over a relationship with my mother-in-law my husband and I were seperated for a while and scence I feel that things are not the same God knows about it and I just have to trust God that he will restore this relationship also my husband and I are doing well God is the center of our marriage and I want my mother-in-law to know I never wanted to hurt her feelings. GOD PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR ANYTHING I DID OR SAID TO HURT HER. IT HURTS WHEN A RELATIONSHIP IS DAMAGED.
This warms my heart more than I could ever put into words. The box truly was a gift from God and I am humbled that He allowed me to play even the smallest role. Thank you for blessing me today.
Tracie, what a heartfelt inspirational post with great imagery!
You are a beautiful soul. :D
Blessings! Nancy J Locke
thank you Tracie
Where will I find the list of verses tomorrow ?
This is an answer to prayer for me as well. My brother-in-law is battling cancer and my sister has been so discouraged. I have been praying for unique ways to minister and witness to both of them and this is perfect! Thank you!
Tracie & LeAnn,
You have both blessed me and inspired me. What a great gift you've shared with us!
We often question why things happen to us, and cry to God for help and mercy. This is one example of how God uses the things in our lives to touch others! Look what the circumstances of your relationship did for you, Tracie. Isn't it exciting to see how God took your pain and blessed you with LeAnn's gift of His word tailored to you? But even MORE so -- look how now this has touched soooo many other lives!
Thank you for sharing with us the realities of life that can seem so overwhelming and heartbreaking -- but they are NEVER too much for God!! "How great, is our God...sing with me how great, is our God...."
Hi Friends! Thank you all for your wonderful sweet comments, and for sharing your heart with me today. I am praying over each request as they come in. I am in amazement at the hearts God is touching through this devo. For those who are interested, you will find the verses tomorrow on my blog, so come back and visit on Tuesday!
YES! God is near - waiting for us to draw near to Him. Beautiful devo today, Tracie - a real comfort.
Tracie, I love this idea! I am going to do this for the next year for all my closest friends for their birthdays. What a special gift! God bless you and P31.
Brandee, TN
Your words are a blessing, it's amazing how God uses other people's circumstances to speak to my own needs and hurts. Thank you, please keep writing your blog and Prov. 31 EFT. You are being used by God.
Oh Tracie what a wonderful devo! Loved your description of how you sat on God's lap..what a beautiful site. love you, Shari
Last night, my daughter came into my bedroom. She had taken index with verses she had gotten out of the His Princess book. She put them as a border around her mirror to read while she was putting on her make=up in the morning. Surrouding ourselves with His Word...
Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Praising God for this timely word you shared today. I have been waiting to hear the Father on something very important.
I have been feeling like the song "Does Anybody Hear Her"
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see? Or does anybody even know she's going down today Under the shadow of our steeple With all the lost and lonely people, searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me. Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
I was really feeling like maybe my anger and the hurt I was feeling at the hands of someone very dear was keeping God from talking to me. Today along with this post, God has been talking to me all morning. I have been in tears, and now I feel peaceful. However, the storm is still brewing around me, and I know that without Him by my side that it is going to pour again.
I needed to sit in Daddy's lap today, and He so timely brought your devotional to confirm all the things He has been whispering into my ears.
Praising God for your words and ministry along with the blessing it brought ot me today.
Thank you God for putting Godly people in my path, and please continue to bless and love on them. Thank you for loving on me. You are simply amazing and wortthy of all praise.
Tina Marie
I love your devotion and is waiting with anticipation for those verses. I am at a point where I seeking to know God and this will help me. Thank you.
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